Personal Data Protection

Dear customer,

As you are perhaps aware, European regulations concerning the protection of personal data (GDPR) serves to reinforce data protection for European Union citizens. It allows people to be informed regarding use of their PERSONAL DATA, and to retain control over it by being free to agree or refuse to allow it to be processed and used.

We are highly aware of our responsibility, and, for the purposes of transparency, our restaurant has taken every possible measure to ensure that your personal data is only used in a way that fully respects your confidentiality.

We have therefore taken every measure to protect the confidentiality of your PERSONAL DATA and any access to your data is strictly limited.


Personal data is information that we gather in order to identify you:

Your contact details: last name, first name, address, age, Postal and e-mail address, telephone numbers.
Some personal information may be gathered: date of birth, country of residence…
Some financial information: your credit card number for bookings or transactions…


Only the different in-house services of our company can access your personal data.


Processing of your personal data may involve collecting, recording, organising, archiving, modifying, deleting, adding, exporting, consulting, processing or communicating it.

We only use your personal data for purposes that are strictly necessary and for a limited number of reasons:

To contact you,
To process any requests you have made,
To ensure that we can provide our services,
To manage booking
To check the validity of the information required for payment,
To send you our latest news, special offers, miscellaneous information,
To respond to any requests, claims or litigation concerning you,
To ensure security for any payments you make,
To prevent fraud,
To establish our accountancy documents,
To optimise our products and services,
To personalise our offers…


We only keep your data for as long as is necessary to process it or in accordance with legal and fiscal requirements.

We undertake not to sell, hire, pass on or give your data to any third party without your prior consent, unless we are forced to for a legitimate and imperative reason (legal obligation, to combat fraud or misuse, for the purpose of defence, etc.).


If, however, you no longer wish to receive information from us or you wish to take any action regarding your personal data, you have the following rights:

The right to request access to your data
The right to rectify or update your data
The right to rectify or update your data
The right to delete your data or to restrict processing of it, within legal limitations
The right to refuse processing of your data and to refuse direct marketing. The right to data portability.

In order to exercise these rights, simply inform us at the following one of the following addresses: Mallory Gabsi, 28 rue des Acacias, 75017 Paris. Email: Email :
We will reply to your request as quickly as possible, and we will take the necessary steps to ensure that we respect the trust you have placed in us.


In order to improve the quality of our services, we may use cookies on our website. Cookies are small text files placed onto your computer, mobile phone or tablet when you surf the internet. They are generated by the website you are visiting, and they contain some data relating to your connection details.

The data collected is anonymous and does not allow us to identify you. We use this data to optimise our offers, to improve our services and your navigation, to provide you with relevant and targeted adverts and to add additional features. We also use it for statistical purposes, to evaluate the performance of our website, to determine the number of times a page is consulted or to find out the amount of traffic generated by our website.

You are free to accept or refuse cookies using the settings of your software. Cookies can be temporary (session cookies) or permanent. Session cookies are only active during your visit to the website, and they are deleted when you close your navigator. Permanent cookies remain on the hard drive of your terminal when you leave the website and remain there until you delete them manually or the navigator removes them after a certain period of time.

As part of our policy to respect your confidentiality, none of our cookies are associated with any data that would help to identify you. Under no circumstances do cookies lead to your address, date of birth, telephone number or any other information that may help to identify you being divulged.


We undertake to engage all appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data from accidental or unauthorised destruction, accidental loss, alteration, communication or unauthorised access.